6 Things to Look for in an Online Yoga Teacher Training

by Nomad Yoga

‍Once you’ve made the decision to take an online yoga teacher training, it can feel completely overwhelming to sift through the endless options out there.

Some offer no interactive time with teachers while others are live-streamed. Some seem unreasonably cheap while others seem exorbitantly overpriced. Some offer one style of yoga while others teach multiple styles of practice.

The number of things to compare can feel astronomical, but finding a yoga teacher training that fits your wants and needs should be exciting, not overwhelming!

‍Look for These 6 Keys Factors When Choosing Your Online Yoga Teacher Training‍

There are a few key factors that are important to consider when choosing your ideal online yoga teacher training, and—ultimately—only you will intuitively know which course is best suited for you.

But, here’s your little cheat sheet of what to look for when things start to feel out of control.

‍1. Pacing That Suits Your Schedule‍

Just a quick Google search of online yoga teacher trainings will show you a plethora of options that follow drastically different schedules and timing. Some are completely self-paced so that you can move at your own speed and on your own schedule.

Others are live-streamed so you’re required to be present for live sessions at certain times as part of a set schedule. Some are a hybrid of both styles that allow you to watch pre-recorded videos on your own schedule and meet for occasional live sessions.

Only you can decide which option will work best for you and your schedule. Do you need flexibility with your schedule to work around previous obligations like work or school? Then choose a self-paced course.

Do you lack the self-motivation to create your own training schedule and have all the free time in the world? Then you might enjoy a live-stream training.

Or perhaps you want the best of both worlds, so you choose a course that offers both pre-recorded material as well as live sessions. Think about the timing that you have readily available to you to dedicate to a training now and then determine which style of pacing would best suit your needs.

‍2. Yoga Style(s) That You Want to Learn‍

Are you interested in studying vinyasa yoga? Or do you prefer hatha? Maybe yin or restorative or Kundalini or Ashtanga is more your thing. Or maybe you’d love a combination of styles to really get a taste of multiple schools of yoga.

Get really clear on what kind(s) of yoga you’d like to teach, and then—of course—research an online yoga teacher training that will teach you just that. So many different schools offer so many different styles of practice, so be sure to pick a training that teaches you exactly what you want to learn.

‍Look for These 8 Crucial Things When You Choose a YTT

‍3. Amazing Testimonials‍

Marketing always sounds wonderful. It’s always filled with flowery language that makes everything sound ideal. But, let’s be real, an online yoga teacher training is challenging. It requires time, commitment, effort, and lots of hard work.

You don’t want to hear the sugar-coated sales pitch from a training school. You want to hear the reality of what is from previous students who have actually tried and tested the course. Excellent testimonials are usually a clear sign that the training is truly top-notch.

Read testimonials carefully to see what is highlighted. Was the teacher(s) fantastic? Was the curriculum out of this world? Did they learn things they didn’t expect to learn? Do they feel confident as teachers now?

Look carefully for everything that’s important to you. You’ll often find the answers to many of your questions written clearly right in the testimonials.

‍4. One-on-One Time With a Knowledgeable Teacher‍

Online learning has become the new norm in our changed world, and while it offers a plethora of amazing benefits, it does also come with its own challenges.

When you take an in-person training, you typically have unfettered access to your teacher(s). When you take an online yoga teacher training, that access may start to become more and more restricted. So it’s important to note if you do have access to your teacher(s).

It’s usually very helpful to have scheduled one-on-one time with your teacher(s) written directly into the curriculum. This gives you the perfect opportunity to ask your burning questions, discuss your progress as a student and a teacher, and provide you with feedback for your teaching practices.

It’s typically a huge bonus to have access to your teacher(s) in this way, so don’t overlook this very important point!

‍5. Valuable Teaching Assessment(s)‍

Another crucial factor that is often missed in the online yoga teacher training sphere is receiving valuable feedback for your teaching. As a new yoga teacher, one of the most important skills you can learn is to absorb feedback about your teaching skills and incorporate that into your teaching so you can constantly evolve and grow as a teacher.

If you never receive constructive feedback, you won’t be able to do this! So a very critical part of an online training is to receive direct feedback and assessments on your teaching skills.

This might happen in a live setting where you teach directly to your teacher(s) for real-time feedback. Or maybe you’ll be required to record yourself teaching and send in that recording for your teacher(s) to view and provide feedback to you through email or a one-on-one session.

However this process looks, make sure that your training offers it in some way as this is an invaluable part of the learning process that will ultimately make you a better, more confident, and more poised yoga teacher.

‍6. Yoga Alliance Accreditation‍

Yoga Alliance is a governing body of yoga teachers that accredits schools around the world that fulfill its strict and comprehensive curriculum. If you’re going to invest in an online yoga teacher training, it’s wise to check if it is accredited through Yoga Alliance.

Even if you never plan to join Yoga Alliance yourself, you can rest assured that your training school follows the protocol and training requirements that the yoga community sets the standards for. This just helps you to make sure that you receive the best possible, quality education on the market.

‍Make Sure That Your YTT Covers These 8 Essential Topics

‍‍Find the Perfect Online Yoga Teacher Training for You By Looking Out for These Key Factors‍

When you’re making a big life decision like this, there are so many factors to consider to find your ideal match.

But if you keep these six points in mind when you go out and do your research, you should be able to easily find a training that suits your wants and needs to get a wonderful education and become an empowering and insightful yoga teacher!


‍Ready to Choose Your Online Yoga Teacher Training?‍

Yoga teacher in white leggings and a lilac tank top practicing wild thing or flip dog on a black yoga mat in front of a blue couch and yellow chair with the text "200 hour online yoga teacher training completely self-paced"

Join Nomad Yoga for a completely self-paced and Yoga Alliance accredited 200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training in hatha, vinyasa, restorative, and yin yoga from the comfort and safety of your own home.

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